Navigating Environmental Justice Challenges, Hosted by AGG1 Academy & Expo
The Biden administration has prioritized putting 'teeth' into environmental justice (EJ) standards across federal government. The goals of the EJ program include commitments to spurring economic opportunities for disadvantaged groups and communities, including in the areas of transportation, infrastructure and housing.
The development and implementation of EJ guidance and policies are well underway, and priorities are being set for community outreach plans, directing investments into overburdened communities, and determining how EJ should impact the permitting and siting of facilities. At the same time, many state governments are moving forward with legislation and programs which are similarly setting new EJ standards.
This panel presentation will provide a comprehensive update on EJ, both on the federal and state level. We will focus on the implications for the mining and aggregates industry, and how the new federal and state requirements will impact permitting, community outreach and conditions to operate. We will further examine and provide practical tips on what the mining and aggregates industry should be doing now to meet the challenges of EJ.