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Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Energy Sourcing

Represented a large global retail chain in a portfolio of renewable strategies to meet renewable energy goals, including tax equity investment, execution of multiple virtual power purchase agreements in U.S. and non-U.S. markets (including PJM, ERCOT, SPP, and CAISO), and structuring and execution of a first-of-its-kind virtual power purchase and storage agreement.
Represented a technology company in the long-term purchase of carbon-free energy to serve its world headquarters campus in Redmond, Washington. The supplier of the carbon-free energy is Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington. This transaction represented an important step toward the client's objective of serving all of its facilities globally with renewable energy.

Represented a major sporting goods brand in implementing its 100% renewable goal.

Represented an independent power producer in negotiating two virtual power purchase agreements with a Fortune 10 company for the partial output of two wind-generating facilities to support the buyer’s sustainability goals.

Represented a large global energy company in connection with its proposed acquisition of a distributed solar project developer that is focused on the C&I market. Provided a legal diligence review of numerous C&I power purchase and REC purchase agreements.
Represented a developer in the sale of wind energy to a major university through a virtual power purchase agreement.
Represented a major health care products company in negotiating a virtual power purchase agreement for utility-scale renewable energy to support its sustainability goals. Worked closely with the client’s renewable energy broker to identify projects through a Request for Proposal process, negotiation of the term sheet, and development of a form of virtual power purchase agreement.
Represented a hospital in connection with the negotiation of a power purchase agreement for an on-site fuel cell.

Represented a Fortune 10 company in connection with its procurement of hundreds of MW of renewable energy, both on-site and utility-scale, including one of the largest corporate wind purchases at that time.

Represented a global real estate and technology company in negotiating for the output from a portfolio of projects to meet its, and its customers', renewable energy goals.

Represented a renewable energy developer in the sale of the output of a large-scale wind farm to a data center in New Mexico.

Represented a large Midwestern industrial manufacturer in negotiating a virtual power purchase agreement for the output of a utility-scale wind project in the Midwest.

Advised an American global manufacturer and marketer of consumer and professional products regarding a 70 MW virtual power purchase agreement with a solar project under development in Texas. 

Represented a major telecommunications company in a portfolio of virtual power purchase agreements totaling hundreds of megawatts in wind and solar purchases to support the company’s RE100 commitment.
Represented a major materials manufacturing company in negotiating a virtual power purchase agreement for the procurement of approximately 150 MW of solar generation to help achieve the company’s renewable energy goals.
Represented a university in the procurement of renewable energy through a solar virtual power purchase agreement to meet the university’s 100% renewable goal.
Represented a large regional financial institution in negotiation of a virtual power purchase agreement for the output of a solar project to support the institution’s 100% renewable goal.
Represented a consumer products company in negotiating two utility-scale wind power purchase agreements in 2017, and an additional utility-scale wind purchase in 2019, to support its sustainability goals.

Represented one of the world's largest beer companies in negotiating a 130 MW virtual power purchase agreement from two Spanish solar parks. 

Represented a large farming equipment manufacturer in negotiating multiple virtual power purchase agreements totaling 111 MW from a wind energy project in ERCOT.
Represented a multinational chemical and consumer goods company in the procurement of renewable energy through a wind virtual power purchase agreement in ERCOT.

Carbon Removal and Offsets

Represented an equity investor in the development of a portfolio of dairy digester projects and monetization of RIN and LCFS credits.
Represented a landfill owner in a dispute with a utility over characterization and revenue sharing of retained environmental attributes.
Represented a renewable natural gas developer in all stages of development, equipment sale and licensing, and RNG offtake negotiations with a Pacific Northwest utility.
Represented a leader in energy conservation and the use of renewable energy in the development of a district energy system that uses a loop of San Francisco Bay water as a heating and cooling medium to avoid emissions from natural gas-fired boilers.
Represented a developer of anaerobic dairy digesters in all phases of project development, renewable natural gas offtake, and receipt of an equity investment from an oil and gas major.
Represented a native land corporation in an agreement with a developer to create carbon offsets on approximately 1,000 acres of forest land in Alaska.
Represented a hunting club in an agreement with a developer to create carbon offsets from managed forest land on club property. Included a fee split for offset sales and timber plan preparation.
Counseled an offset generator on liabilities for invalided offsets under the Climate Action Reserve, American Climate Registry, and others.
Negotiated a partnership between an algae-based offset generator and an abandoned well offset generator to facilitate the sale of diverse carbon offset portfolios to corporate customers.
Represented an Australia-based blockchain company in all aspects of establishing a domestic and international REC trading platform for corporate use.
Represented a warehouse operator in negotiations with Element Markets over generating Low Carbon Fuel Standard credits from the warehouse’s use of electric forklifts.
Counseled a private university on decisions to purchase the environmental attributes of renewable natural gas.
Counseled an offset generator on standing up new protocol for methane capture under the Verra and American Carbon Registry protocols.

Ethical Supply Chain

Drafted a Human Rights Policy for a global energy industry client focused on developing new energy supply models around the world, including liquefied natural gas and renewables.
Advised a fashion industry client regarding periodic updates to its Supplier Code of Conduct and supply contracts.
Advised a U.S.-based manufacturer of high-performance automotive, industrial, tactical, and construction gear on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, Supply Chain Questionnaire, and supplier compliance certifications.
Advised a U.S.-based global building products distributor regarding Vendor Code of Conduct and vendor compliance certifications.
Advised a global nuclear industry client regarding ethical supply-chain risk-management initiatives and the Anti-Modern Slavery Policy for a U.K. subsidiary.
Advised a global manufacturer of composite materials used in construction regarding development of an anti-forced labor and human-trafficking compliance plan consistent with the standard set forth in applicable federal acquisition regulations.
Advised a global technology company regarding modern slavery provision in PPA.
Provided a comparative review of a Corporate Responsibility Report for a telecommunications client for industry benchmarking. Prepared a presentation regarding ESG pitfalls for foreign issuers in the United States.
Drafted compliance provisions, including anti-corruption, sanctions, and human rights reps and warranties for a supplier contract in China.
Conducted a modern slavery risk assessment and advised regarding current and pending global anti-modern slavery legislation.
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