David K.Y. Tang
Represent an educational testing company with establishing operations in China and extending operations in Japan and Korea.
Advising a manufacturing company on technology transfer issues in China.
Represent a U.S. university in establishing a branch campus in China.
Represent a food and beverage company in establishing sales, on-line sales, distribution, processing operations and labeling and regulatory issues in China.
Represent a resort developer with new projects and financings.
Represent a cruise company with regulatory and commercial issues in establishing operations in Asia.
Advising a U.S. university with joint research and exchange programs.
Represent a CRO company with regulatory compliance in China.
Represent a technology company in establishing a data center in China.
Represent a major U.S. foundation in application for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor status for the right to invest in equity and debt in the China market and registration as foreign non-government organization.
Advising an international NGO on registration and operations in Asia.
Advising a multinational company on developments and effects of US-China trade tension.